GWS speaker Vivek Murthy, MD to co-chair US President-elects Biden’s COVID team. He’s dong  a conversation with Dr. Carmona on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.


Thanks to Spa Business for this excellent article on Dr. Vivek Murthy, the 19th US Surgeon General, who spoke to attendees at the Global Wellness Summit about the importance of addressing loneliness on a personal level, in the workplace, in communities and society. “In a powerful interview with Dr Richard Carmona, the 17th US Surgeon General and chief of health innovations at Canyon Ranch, (Murthy) said that an antidote to loneliness is human connection and building relationships with people.”

Spa Business reported that according to Murthy, loneliness, is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, dementia and premature death and is also linked with a higher risk of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances and a host of other conditions – mostly preventable conditions that cost the US up to $3 trillion a year in healthcare costs. US president-elect Joe Biden recently named Murthy to lead the USA’s response to COVID-19. He’s also the author of a best-selling book, Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World. Read the article



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