Summit Trend in the News: Wellness Music

Breathe in, now breathe out: how musicians are embracing guided meditationsGuardian
We could all do with some spiritual healing now, but especially the music industry, with all the canceled concerts and idle musicians. Now more artists, such as RZA from Wu-Tang Clan, are creating guided meditation -meditative musicmashups to help us find some inner peace.

The state of New Age music in the always-on ‘wellness’ era – NPR
Though New Age music originally emerged out of the West’s discovery of and subsequent obsession with Eastern spirituality in the 1950s and ’60s, it’s now being reinvented in interesting new ways and finding new audiences, with artists refreshing the “whale sounds” genre with cool new approaches.

Spike in chill music and wellness podcasts (during Coronavirus)CampaignLive
Spotify reports our music habits are rapidly changing amid global isolation. Listeners are adding more “chill,” acoustic, instrumental, calm music to their playlists—just as they’re listening to podcasts that keep them fit and healthy: with streams for workouts, running, yoga, nature sounds, and meditation all notably up.

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