Kitchens Finally Get a Wellness Makeover

Summit Trend Exploration: The Wellness Kitchen How kitchens are (finally) getting the wellness makeover healthy eaters deserve—Well+Good From virtual sous chefs to appliances that know what food you have at home better than you do, wellness is front and center of this home model moment. The kitchen reimagined—Well Home Architect Veronica Schreibeis Smith has designed the kitchen of the future by prioritizing the health of…

Healthy Air, Healthy People

TREND: The Wellness Kitchen Healthy Air, Healthy People If kitchens have been essentially stuck for 70 years, the healthy kitchen of the future completely re-imagines every way we consume food at home—including delivery, storage, prepping, cooking, enjoying and disposal. One key aspect of the wellness kitchen is to tackle the problem of air quality. This is a new focus for every room in the “well…

Design Trend Encourages Healthy Eating

Trend Exploration: The Wellness Kitchen From Environmental Health to Human Wellbeing—Global Wellness Summit Using the kitchen as an example, Veronica Schreibeis Smith, chair of the Global Wellness Institute’s Wellness Architecture Initiative and CEO and founder of Vera Iconica Kitchen, argues that architecture has the power to impact all areas of our lives. Why thoughtful kitchen design is good for your health—Wallpaper The desire to live…

Making Healthy Choices Easy and Visible

TREND: The Wellness Kitchen Making Healthy Choices Easy and Visible The traditional kitchen invented in the 1950s is essentially a mausoleum to store “dead food.” Refrigerators and dark cupboards and pantries are designed to stockpile pre-packaged, processed, nonliving foods, hidden behind doors unseen and often forgotten for months or years. A serious disconnect between how more of us now eat (and want to eat) and…

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