The Next Fashion Chapter

TREND: WELL FASHION Know, Honor and Treat Fairly, Thy Fashion Maker The fashion industry employs an estimated 300 million people, and, while most of us know that most of these workers get paid very little for working awful hours in unsafe environments, we don’t really grasp the extent and landscape of this modern slavery. Globalization means brands manufacture where wages are most shockingly low (Bangladesh,…

Trend: Ethical Fashion on the Rise

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion Ethical Fashion Is on the Rise – TechCrunch The fashion industry has historically relied on exploitative labor practices in order to sell clothes—but if recent trends are any indication, it won’t for much longer. This article provides some grim stats, such as Cambodian garment workers earning 50 cents an hour, forced to sit for 11 hours a day straight…

Trend: AI and 3D Design Technologies Creating Sustainable and Inclusive “Well Fashion”

TREND: WELL FASHION Rip Off the Labels: Fashion’s New Inclusivity around Size and Gender The fashion industry is all about labels, not just Chanel or Levi’s, but labels such as “petite” or “plus-sized” or “man” or “woman”—dictating what you should buy, in what part of the store, and at what racks. But in our era of feminism, body positivity and “wokeness” of all kinds (especially…

“Well Fashion” Means a More Inclusive Fashion Industry

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion   Fashion’s Long Road to Inclusivity – Business of Fashion In the last year, fashion brands have been called out for everything from cultural appropriation to racism, and this article looks at fashion’s long, non-inclusive history and how a new storm of identity politics, consumer activism and social media look to bring about lasting change and a more…

Consumer Awareness of Fashion Industry’s Environmental Impact Hits Boiling Point

TREND: WELL FASHION — WAY BEYOND ATHLEISURE An Avalanche of Platforms for Recycling, Reselling & Renting Fashion We live in a make-buy-trash fashion culture: Eighty-three percent of our clothes/shoes get chucked in the garbage. And in 2018, there were reports about fashion’s nasty secret: Brands incinerate/shred unsold stock to protect their halo of exclusivity. For instance, Burberry acknowledged it destroyed $36 million worth of unsold…

Trend: Surge in People Buying Used Fashion Online or Renting Their Wardrobes

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion — Way Beyond Athleisure Seriously, Why Aren’t You Renting Your Clothes? – The Cut Since 2013, fashion rental has blossomed. In perhaps the most symbolic recent news, upstart clothing rental platform Le Tote just bought department store grand dame, Lord & Taylor. Companies from Ann Taylor to Bloomingdale’s have launched subscription models. If you’re only going to wear…

Smart Clothes That Actively Boost Health & Wellbeing

TREND: Well Fashion—Way Beyond Athleisure Smart Clothes That Actively Boost Health & Wellbeing Clothes are pressed against our bodies all day, but aside from keep-me-warm or cover-me-up functionality, they’ve been rather “dumb.” No longer; a revolution in smart materials is doing what makes nothing but sense: clothing that optimizes your wellbeing while you wear it. A dizzying array of new technologies—from Internet-of-Things hardware/software to body-mapping…

The Clothing of the Future

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion—Way Beyond Athleisure What’s next after athleisure? Smart clothes (yes, really!)—Well+Good Well+Good Council member Susie Ellis, chairman and CEO of GWS, previews the clothing of the future—and the game-changing garments that are already here. Smart clothing may reduce energy needs for heating, cooling—Sustainability Times What if you could wear personalized, climate-controlled clothing, reducing the need for heating and air…

Sustainable & “Trashy” Clothing

TREND: Well Fashion— Way Beyond Athleisure Sustainable and “Trashy” Clothing You might say that after years of talk, something real is happening: A mountain of surveys and stats confirm that the shift to sustainable, ethical fashion brands and a new interest in “well fashion” is underway. The clearest window into trends is social media, where billions of people post and search, and global fashion search…

Fashion Beyond Athleisure

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion — Way Beyond Athleisure 7 things I learned about wellness that will enrich our lives in 2019—The Inquirer Phrases such as zero waste, sustainability and slow fashion will continue to dominate our fashion lexicon. 8 major wellness trends for 2019—Destination Deluxe The 2019 trends range from personalized nutrition to mainstream meditation to fashion beyond athleisure. Paris is aiming…

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