Virtual reality rising in wellness and spa

TREND: MEDITATION GOES PLURAL Mindful fitness surges One of the most powerful wellness trends is adding mindfulness to the workout, either in fitness classes where you’re trained to move consciously with intention and/or by ending classes with a dose of mindful meditation (this trend’s practices fit into the open monitoring category). That long-lived hyphen between “mind-body” is being strengthened and literally addressed in this trend,…

Trend: Mindful fitness & spa treatments rise

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural Spa Treatments Are Going Virtual; VR Is the Hottest New Way to Relax – Elemental Spas are increasingly using VR (with massage and guided meditation) as a relaxation tool and to transport people into natural wonderlands. This article looks at companies such as LA’s new Esqapes Immersive Relaxation Spa, Relax VR and Mindful Touch—and also considers the…

Apps and Technologies Boosting, Personalizing and Transforming Meditation Experience

TREND: MEDITATION GOES PLURAL New apps and technologies are boosting, personalizing and transforming the meditation experience Apps bring meditation to the masses—and get people used to flipping meditation “channels” There are now, according to estimates, roughly 1,500 meditation and mindfulness apps—and there’s no doubt that there has been no greater force ever in making the idea of meditation less mysterious and more accessible. Headspace alone…

Apps Bring Meditation to the Masses

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural New Music-Focused Wellness App Wave Is Peak Meditation – The Observer The new app Wave is forgoing waterfalls for a diverse music mix that’s used with a vibrating bolster. As their founder puts it, “We’re fusing beats with breathing techniques and vibrations in the cushion to create a new experience better suited to millennial consumers…” This App…

The Future of Meditation is “Plural”: Choices Tailored to What Each of Us Needs

TREND: MEDITATION GOES PLURAL From New Breeds to Meditation Studios with Deep, Diverse Menus Sophrology One unique thing about the wellness world is the constant importing and exporting of established practices, and out of Europe now comes sophrology—or “dynamic meditation.” Sophrology is an emerging stress-management technique that marries components from Eastern meditation practices and Western relaxation concepts—and it’s gaining serious interest worldwide. The practice was…

Meditation Studios and Wellness Centers Offering Deep Menus

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural Forget mindfulness – is sophrology the key to a calm mind? – Marie Claire UK Sophrology was born in Europe and combines breathing exercises, visualization, body awareness exercises, positive psychology, meditation and physical movement to relax the mind and body and build confidence. And it’s really starting to take off. Why you need to try popular spirituality…

Impact and Clarity Take Precedence

TREND: Meditation Goes Plural Impact and Clarity Take Precedence Just a few years ago, meditation was a fringe activity for insider wellness types, but it’s now clocking the meteoric growth yoga did 20 years ago. However, for something that delivers clarity, there is serious confusion around how the terms “meditation,” “mindfulness” and “mindful” are used, which infects many of the medical studies. Bob Roth, CEO…

Meditation is No Longer a Generic Practice

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural The Power of TM: Strength in Stillness—Global Wellness Summit Bob Roth shares the power of Transcendental Meditation (TM) during the 2018 Global Wellness Summit and the results of bringing TM for free to over one million inner-city kids in 35 countries. Different meditation types train distinct parts of your brain—New Scientist Just like physical exercise, the kind…

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