Scents for ‘biohacking’ our brains and bodies

TREND: MEDI-SCENT Functional Fragrances “The future of fragrance will be using scent to ‘biohack’ our brains and bodies to perform better,” says Joanne De Luca of Sputnik Futures, a company that specializes in anticipating consumer trends. For example, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology revealed that the scent of coffee alone might help people perform analytical tasks better, suggesting a placebo-like effect of caffeine. Don’t be surprised…

Trend: Functional Fragrances

Summit Trend in the News: Medi-Scent Functional Fragrance: The Latest Scent Trend – Haute Living Fragrance has come along way since perfume was created for the Queen of Hungary in 1370. There’s more to come! These Functional Fragrances Will Make You Smell *and* Feel Good – Grazia Fragrance is no longer just about smelling like cotton candy or your favorite pop star. I Literally Sniffed My…

Future: Companies Experimenting with Signature and Healing Scents as Branding

TREND:  MEDISCENT — FRAGRANCE GETS A WELLNESS MAKEOVER Scent in Branding Using scent commercially clearly isn’t necessarily a new phenomenon—hotels, spas and retailers have been aware of its ability to tap into consumers’ brains for years. What is different is a growing acceptance that “olfactory logos” are a must to complete a brand’s identity. Fun olfactory logo fact: In 2018, Hasbro (US) patented the “scent of childhood”…

Trend: Custom Fragrances as Part Aromatherapy and Part Branding Exercise

Summit Trend in the News: MediScent – Fragrance Gets a Wellness Makeover The Swaying Power of Scented Spaces Isn’t Always Right Under Our Nose – NPR One World Trade Center in NYC has recently deployed a custom scent (hints of citrus, beech trees, etc.) that wafts throughout the city’s tallest building to elicit “positive thoughts”—and it’s a marketing strategy businesses are increasingly deploying to lure…

Aromatherapy 2.0: Scent as Medicine

TREND: MediScent: Fragrance Gets a Wellness Makeover Aromatherapy 2.0: Scent as Medicine This focus on scent’s powerful connection to our brains and its potential to heal, soothe and delight is “making consumers hungry to learn more about how it can be leveraged for health and wellbeing,” says Matthias Tabert of International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), a leading innovator of scent. Of course, the concept of…

The Future of Fragrance is Wellness

Summit Trend in the News: MediScent: Fragrance Gets A Wellness Makeover Aromatherapy: Scent as Medicine—Spa and Wellness International Huge leaps in technology, fragrance developments, and science-based research are making this age-old treatment new again. Functional Fragrance and the Rise of Scent as Wellness—The Sunday Edit When it comes to fragrance, it has more to do than simply making us smell good. The Future of Fragrance…

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