Japan’s remarkable resilience in the face of COVID-19 highlights its ancient wellness roots

TREND: J-WELLNESS Brilliantly marrying revered traditions with innovative technologies, Japan asserts a comprehensive culture of wellness—and encourages the world to follow suit. By Peter Eadon-Clarke As awareness of the 100-year Life Society spreads globally, it is natural to look to Japan. In 1965, Japan had 153 centenarians, and in 2017, there were 67,824, representing the largest per capita ratio of them in the world. Fifty percent of Japanese…

“J-Wellness”: COVID-19 puts Japan’s unique culture of wellness in the spotlight

Summit Trend in the News: J-Wellness Has Japan dodged the COVID-19 bullet? – Channel News Asia Though there is no clear evidence for the low death rate in Japan, experts suggest it could be the Japanese culture that has helped: “Mask-wearing, removing shoes, bowing not shaking hands, low obesity levels, and even consuming certain foods have all been advanced as possible cultural reasons for the…

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