The Power of Infant Massage

Trend Exploration: Reframing the First 1,000 days Massage works because it changes your physiology—Global Wellness Summit Video interview with Tiffany Field, PhD. Her landmark study demonstrated that preterm newborns who received moderate pressure massage therapy had greater weight gain. The First 1000 Days of a Baby’s Life—What matters and why—Thrive Global The influence of a baby’s health and learning environment during the first 1,000 days…

More Pampering for those in Pampers

TREND: Reframing the First 1,000 Days More Pampering for those in Pampers There have been numerous studies on how touching—or lack of touching—can affect a baby’s development—with human touch having a special power for premature babies. Preterm birth is now the single most important cause of neonatal deaths (babies under 28 days) and the second leading cause of death in children under age five. Diverse…

Parents Health Impacts Child’s Health for a Lifetime

Trend Exploration: Reframing the First 1,000 Days Obesity and Poor Diet of Both Parents Have Major Impact on Child’s Health A trio of new studies released in April indicated that a child’s health (from growth to development) can be profoundly compromised by the obesity and poor diet of both the mother and the father well before the act of procreation. Read More. Beginning of Human…

Paternity Enters the Health Equation

TREND: Reframing the First 1,000 Days Paternity Enters the Health Equation For decades, medical researchers have studied how a mother’s lifestyle, such as what she eats and drinks during pregnancy, can impact the developing baby. When it comes to the health of the baby, it’s been a narrowly mom-centric world and responsibility, with the health of the father’s sperm—and his part in creating a supportive…

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