Exploring Death Becomes Part of Living a Mentally Well Life

TREND: DYING WELL Exploring death becomes part of living a mentally well life From death cafes to death fests: A hunger to just talk about it If modern culture is the first to pathologize any interest in death, now there are many more places and platforms to finally come together and have a real conversation about it. So many blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels explore…

More People Living Their Best Life By Embracing Death

Summit Trend in the News: Dying Well How the Death Positive Movement Is Coming to Life – Healthline From joining “coffin clubs” to downloading apps such as WeCroak, which pings you five times a day reminding you that you will die, more people are living their best life by embracing death. And this new death-positive mindset isn’t just some smiley face substitute for grief; it’s…

Recent Surge in Eco-friendly and More Meaningful Burial Options

TREND: DYING WELL Innovative and Eco-Friendly Burial Practices The ways that different cultures return their dead to the universe varies wildly. Tibetans still practice sky burial, leaving bodies on mountaintops to be picked clean, while the Caviteño in the Philippines place bodies in hollowed-out tree trunks. The US and Canada are unique for adopting embalming, a just as bizarre (if you really think about it)…

New Burial Alternatives: Changing the Final Frontier

Summit Trend in the News: Dying Well This startup is building a new kind of cemetery, and it already has thousands of customers—Fast Company A venture-backed start-up, Better Place Forests, is creating a new model for spending time with our departed that also contributes to land conservation. And they plan expansion… Eco-friendly burial alternative: You can now compost your loved ones in Washington—USA Today In…

Death Doulas—Delivering You a Better Death

TREND: Dying Well Death Doulas—Delivering You a Better Death Death has become medicalized, hidden and lonely. We need more caregivers that give the dying their full attention and companionship and work to meet their unique physical, emotional and spiritual needs during their extraordinary last days or months. In essence, to deliver people a better death. It’s a painfully pressing cultural need, and to meet it,…

A conversation with Henry Fersko-Weiss

A conversation with Henry Fersko-Weiss, a pioneer of the death doula concept From what’s the most important thing death doulas provide to why you can’t have a good death if you haven’t lived a well life Henry Fersko-Weiss is president of the International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA). In 2003, he created the first End-of-Life Doula Program at a hospice in the US and has since…

A Well Death Becomes Part of a Well Life

Summit Trend in the News: Dying Well A conversation with Henry Fersko-Weiss, inventor of the death doula concept—Global Wellness Summit From what’s the most important thing death doulas provide to why you can’t have a good death if you haven’t lived a well life. Death Is Inevitable. His Job Is to Help You Go in Peace.—Esquire Hiring a death doula can make you feel kind…

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