The Connection between Light, Health & Immunity Becomes More Important

TREND: FOCUS SHIFTS FROM SLEEP TO TRUE CIRCADIAN HEALTH CIRCADIAN LIGHTING Get your home light right…finally Most of us have read about circadian lighting for years: the new lighting technologies that are tunable, biodynamic and sync with the time of day. You would think with all the talk that most of us would have it. We think 2020 will be the year that the light…

COVID-19 Further Whacks Circadian Rhythms

Summit Trend in the News: Focus Shifts from Sleep to True Circadian Health Circadian rhythms and immune function – Timeshifter This new report takes a deep dive into the recent medical studies showing that the human immune system is controlled by circadian rhythms. While scientists have long known that time of day impacts infection susceptibility, what was less known was whether this was a result…

The future: Less pampering “sleep” products and a new focus on circadian health

TREND: FOCUS SHIFTS FROM SLEEP TO TRUE CIRCADIAN HEALTH A $432 BILLION SLEEP MARKET AND WE’RE STILL NOT SLEEPING We’re at the strangest place culturally when it comes to sleep. We’ve never been so obsessed: We buy smart watches and Oura rings to track our sleep quality relentlessly every night; we pony up for the latest, greatest, smartest mattress; we gobble sleep tonics, CBD (and…

Trend: We’ll Wake Up to the Facts of Circadian Biology

Summit Trend in the News: Focus Shifts from Sleep to True Circadian Health The invention of the light bulb fundamentally changed our biology – Elemental-Medium This article explains how the way we sleep today is actually a very young construct, born with Edison’s invention of the light bulb. The invention has led to a world where we take in light in increasingly damaging, crazy ways,…

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