Living a Vibrant & Healthy Post-Menopausal Life with Dr. Sharon Malone & Monica Molenaar

Women’s health is one of the most underserved areas of wellness – specifically menopause. Our guests today, Dr. Sharon Malone and Monica Molenaar, founded a telehealth platform designed to democratize related information and resources so all women can access the guidance they need.

Dr. Sharon Malone is the youngest of eight children, born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, who later became an Ivy League doctor and married a young lawyer named Eric Holder, the future attorney general of the United States under President Obama.

Monica Molenaar is a mom and entrepreneur who elected to remove her ovaries prophylactically after testing positive for the BRCA gene at forty, sending her into menopause overnight.

There are 55 million women in America going through menopause at any given moment of time. And yet, only 1.4 million are getting the proper care they need. The Global Wellness Summit is making strides in this area through their Hormonal Wellness Initiative, supporting options for women in their post-childbearing years.

In this episode, we go to the front line of the fight for awareness, addressing the fears of hormonal therapy head on and out loud. We also pose the big question: Should women just give up and accept their fate of hot flashes, mood swings, thinning hair, and other symptoms – all because their bodies are experiencing a natural decrease in estrogen?

The world population of menopausal and postmenopausal women is projected to reach 1.2 billion by 2030, with 47 million new entrants each year. The issue Alloy seeks to alleviate is two-fold: 75% of women who seek treatment for menopausal symptoms leave their physician’s office untreated, while over 80% of gynecologists self-report lacking the training to treat these women. “I saw firsthand the confusion around menopause treatment and the suffering it can cause,” says Dr. Malone. “My life’s work has been to help democratize menopause care,” PACE Healthcare Capital Founder Julia Monfrini Peev adds, “We were deeply inspired by Anne, Monica and Dr. Malone’s vision to empower women in menopause to take ownership of their health and be able to age healthily and beautifully.”

“We are fiercely dedicated to rewriting the aging narrative for women, and making sure they’re informed on all the options available to help them to feel like their best selves,” says Anne Fulenwider, Alloy Co-Founder, Co-CEO and former longtime Editor-in-Chief of women’s magazine Marie Claire. “Alloy exists because too many women haven’t been able to get the treatment they need. We are here to course correct post-reproductive healthcare and we could not be more excited to share this platform with the world.”

For any men out there with women in their life, whether it’s a partner, mother, daughter, or friend –  don’t change that dial. Knowing is caring and understanding is love.

To learn more, visit


Hosted by Kim Marshall

Produced by Crate Media

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