76. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati – A Journey to the Inside

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Spiritual leader, social activist, and accomplished author, Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati, graces us with her wisdom in our latest episode of Global Wellness Conversations. With the backdrop of our Global Wellness Summit in Tel Aviv, Sadhvi delves deep into the spiritual energy and sanctity of places like Rishikesh, India, and the significance of spirituality in overall wellness and health.

She shares her transformative journey from growing up in Hollywood and prestigious institutions of higher learning to finding peace and serenity in the lap of the Himalayas, Sadhvi explores the stark contrasts between external success and inner peace, and how the essence of wellness is not merely physical but deeply intertwined with spirituality. As she walks us through her personal experiences of overcoming stress, depression, and trauma, she illuminates how spirituality brought her from merely managing life to actually living freely.

Her story goes beyond personal transformation to a broader understanding of healing. After arriving in India with no spiritual intent, a profound encounter on the banks of the Ganga River awakened her to a new realization of self-worth, divinity, and oneness. It was here she met her spiritual guide, who helped her let go of pain and find peace, and she continues to carry that peace forward into her global work.

Now a dedicated servant to divinity, Sadhvi has taken vows of celibacy and renunciation of worldly attachments, channeling her energies to a range of causes. From her involvement with the UN Advisory Council on Religion and steering committees for sustainable development, to working to end extreme poverty initiatives through UN and World Bank, to receiving a lifetime achievement award from President Biden, she manifests her inner spiritual work in the external world as service and action.

Sadhvi extends an invitation to all to immerse themselves in the spiritual journey at her home, Parmarth Niketan, an oasis of peace and tranquility on the sacred banks of the Ganges, in the lap of the Himalayas.

To learn more, visit Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati’s site at sadhviji.org.


Hosted by Kim Marshall.

Produced by Nova Media

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