2023 Global Wellness Trends Report: The Future of Wellness with Mid-Year Update [PDF Report]


This longest-running, most in-depth global wellness trends report keeps the pulse on the key industry shifts impacting the wellness economy. Watching the 2023 trends unfold in the media the past six months, the Global Wellness Summit (GWS) released this updated edition, The Future of Wellness 2023 Trends: Mid-Year Update, including five illustrative news stories on each of the twelve trends. Year after year, this GWS report anticipates what’s next in wellness long before anyone else, predicting trends that become billion-dollar sectors. Order and download this robust industry analysis and find out who the key players are, what forces are propelling these shifts and how these changes impact you.


2023 Trends Summaries

Wellness Comes for the Loneliness Epidemic
By Beth McGroarty

We “know” loneliness is skyrocketing, that it kills and that the #1 predictor of health and happiness is relationships. But somehow, the recent uber-capitalist wellness market has led with two things: a sea of keep-them-spending…Keep

From Global Smorgasbord to Hyper-Indigenous
By Elaine Glusac

Wellness and wellness tourism have long resembled Disney’s “It’s a Small World”: buffets of global experiences typically divorced from place. Yoga, born in India, is ubiquitous worldwide; ayahuasca retreats have departed their…Keep

Workplace Wellness Finally Starts to Mean Something
By Skyler Hubler & Cecelia Girr

From protected time off to finally acknowledging women’s health needs, employee wellness is getting a much-needed rethink. Employers have been casually tossing around the word “wellness” since…Keep

From “Clean” to Biotech Beauty
By Jessica Smith

As the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic subsides, one thing has become clear: science is king. In the world of beauty, the shift towards data-backed products has never been more evident. We’re seeing an about face from…Keep Reading

Urban Infrastructure Just Might Save Cities
By Robbie Hammond & Omar Toro-Vaca

The role of the city has been reimagined countless times over the centuries (they’ve been trading posts, political and artistic centers, and, recently, concrete jungles of retail and offices). But the pandemic served as a wake-up
call for…Keep Reading

6. WELLNESS + WEIGHT The Skinny on Brown Fat and Eliminating Obesity
By Michael Roizen, MD

Harnessing the ability to live longer and “younger” is among the biggest trends in medicine and wellness today. Dr. Michael Roizen believes a crucial factor in the longevity quest is recognizing that not all fat is…Keep Reading

The Case for Coming Together
By Thierry Malleret

Wellness policies have been years in the making, but in 2023 and beyond, they will evolve, multiply and strengthen. Governments “know” the crippling economic and societal costs that come when people don’t feel mentally and
physically well…Keep

8. WELLNESS + WATER Blue, Hot and Wild
By Jane Kitchen

The pandemic spurred a hunger for in-nature experiences that shows no signs of abating. But when we talk about the nature surge, we usually remain on terra firma. In 2023, people will jump into the world’s wild waters for some “blue wellness”…Keep Reading

New Business Models for Hospitality
By Lisa Starr

Savvy hospitality brands are responding to demands from wellness-focused clients looking beyond the basement gym, in search of pro-athlete-level equipment, fitness classes and wellness programming, whenever and wherever they travel…Keep Reading

Multisensory Integration
By Ari Peralta

Advances in neuroscience and neuroaesthetics confirm that, when combined, the senses elevate our human experience. Nature is multisensory and it turns out, so are we. The senses have always been present in wellness…Keep Reading

The Wild, Wild West of Biohacking
By Marc Cohen, MD

Biohacking is the attempt to control biology and defy disease, decay and death so we can become superhuman. The idea is not new; our ancestors were masterful biohackers and developed low-tech hacks such as fasting, isolation, chanting, yoga, martial arts…Keep Reading

Having Faith in Business
By Brian Grim

It’s not surprising that the pandemic led to a resurgence of faith. What is surprising is that the corporate world is embracing it. While diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in workplaces have focused on race, gender, sexual orientation…Keep Reading


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