Media Contact: Beth McGroarty
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Global Wellness Summit Announces Key Topic: The Vast Opportunities in the “Ageing Well” Market

Keynote speakers, including David Harry Stewart, CEO and founder of AGEIST, and Dave McCaughan, founder of Bibliosexual, will tackle why the wellness world needs to get beyond its obsession with millennials and focus on the high-spending 50+ market—a generation embracing a whole new “aspirational ageing” mindset

Miami, FL – August 19, 2019 – The Global Wellness Summit (GWS), the premier gathering of international leaders in the $4.5 trillion wellness economy, today announced a hot topic for its upcoming conference in Singapore: the massive, overlooked opportunities in the 50+ market and how wellness brands that get beyond their narrow focus on younger generations, and digest the spending power and new “ageing is cool” mindset of today’s older consumers, will thrive.

The world is ageing at an unprecedented pace: People aged 50+ will nearly double by 2050 (to 3.2 billion), and this fact will seismically change cultures, business strategies and government policies. If products and services for older people are already a $15 trillion market, what are the new opportunities across wellness markets? What solutions need to be innovated for the future “longevity economy”? How is the new 50+ demographic radically different than generations before? How is ageing getting positively redefined, and how will the new “aspirational ageing” movement shake up the wellness world?

The agenda will tackle these questions with the help of global experts. Keynotes will include David Harry Stewart, the CEO and founder of AGEIST, a Los Angeles-based media company and agency devoted to reinventing how life after 50 is experienced and understood, and Dave McCaughan, chief strategy officer at Ai.Agency and founder of consultancy Bibliosexual, who has decades of experience as a marketing leader and is currently leading key initiatives into the ageing markets of Asia. The GWS will be held at Grand Hyatt Singapore from October 15–17.

“I’m terrifically excited to speak at the Summit this October to help bring to life the modern over-50 consumer who is so important to the wellness industry. This is the most discerning and moneyed consumer segment the world has ever known,” said Stewart. “One of their top priorities will be longevity, health and wellness as seen through the lens of a highly educated, self-empowered consumer, rather than as a patient. This tribe is global, they’re mobile, and their numbers and power are rapidly growing. For companies that understand them, they are the biggest business opportunity of our time.”

“Forget ‘ageing’ and think ‘New Life Building.’ In a world where more and more of us can expect to live to be 80, 90, even 100+ years old, there is a whole lot of living to be had,” noted McCaughan. “I’m really excited to share my research into the ways that people are looking forward to what is next as they age—and how people are now actively and continuously building new lives.”


David Harry Stewart is a leading authority on the modern 50+ lifestyle, and the passionate founder and face of AGEIST, a media company dedicated to championing the vitality, influence and contributions of this older demographic and an agency that advises businesses, brands and organizations on how to better understand and speak to this important and growing segment. AGEIST produces the annual YBL (Your Best Life) Conference with The Experience Factory. Before founding AGEIST, Stewart enjoyed an award-winning career as a photographer specializing in people-oriented advertising for many of the world’s most iconic brands.

Dave McCaughan, based in Bangkok, has spent three decades working across Asia-Pacific leading strategy planning and in senior management roles with McCann, one of the world’s largest advertising and communications firms, before starting his own consultancy Bibliosexual in 2015 and becoming a partner in Ai.Agency in 2016. He has an extensive history of working on the implications of media changes, how society is influenced by and influences them. Long recognized as a thought-leader on youth marketing, he’s now leading important initiatives into Asia’s ageing markets.

With a 2019 theme of “Shaping the Business of Wellness,” the Summit will explore the most important investment and business trends across all global wellness markets. The GWS is always a sold-out event— apply to attend here.

About the Global Wellness Summit: The Global Wellness Summit is an invitation-only international gathering that brings together industry leaders and visionaries to shape the business of wellness and the future of the $4.5 trillion global wellness economy. The gathering is held annually in different locations across the globe and has taken place in the US, Switzerland, Turkey, Bali, India, Morocco, Mexico, Austria and Italy. The 13th annual Summit will be held at the Grand Hyatt Singapore from October 15–17, 2019. 


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