Media Contact: Beth McGroarty • +1.213.300.0107
Global Wellness Summit Hosts “An Open Conversation About Race and the Role of the Wellness Community”
Miami, FL – June 10, 2020 – The Global Wellness Summit (GWS), the foremost gathering of international leaders in the $4.5 trillion global wellness economy, today hosted the first in a series of conversations on race and diversity in the wellness community.
To listen to the recorded Zoom call, please click here.
The high level GWS Wellness Master Class forums were created by the Summit to help industry leaders plan for the changes and opportunities caused by the Coronavirus. The classes also include practical solutions and insights on what lies ahead.
Previous Wellness Master Class sessions include: “Creativity in the Time of a Global Crisis,” with Anna Bjurstam; “Faith in the Time of a Global Crisis,” with Martin Palmer; “Leading Consciously in Times of Stress,” with Danny Friedland, MD; and “Managing Cash Flow during the Coronavirus Crisis,” with Victor Brick. Videos of all sessions are available here.