Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | January 3, 2023

The Hottest Place to Network Is an Ice Bath

“The amount of meetings is actually absurd, considering this is a spa.” The Ice Bath Studio on the lower level of Remedy Place, in New York. Credit… Emon Hassan for The New York Times Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.

These Will Be the Biggest Health and Fitness Trends of 2023

Earlier this month, the Association for German Language decreed that the German ” word of the year” was , which roughly translates to “historical turning point.” The ostensible reason for this selection was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but as the Association noted, the word applies broadly to anything that might constitute the beginning of a new era.

The Year Celebrity Wellness Brands Abandoned Aspiration

There was a time when leading a wellness brand required a celebrity to put their whole, excuse me, gut biome into it. Gwyneth has all but discarded her acting ambitions to pursue bottling up her blonde litheness. A couple years after Paltrow launched Goop, Jessica Alba founded the Honest Company, which touts non-toxic household products, and mostly stepped away from acting.

Top wellness trends in 2022: shrooms, supplements, sobriety

Google revealed to Insider the wellness trends that saw the highest search interest in 2022. Interest in shrooms, supplements, and non-alcoholic drinks hit an all-time high this year. People searched for natural alternatives to haircare as new studies started a dialogue about chemicals in cosmetics.

10 Wellness Trends for 2023 which will gain more Focus this Year

The COVID-19 pandemic fueled a wellness revolution that did not disappear as the world finally opened back up this year. 2022 was the year of “self”, wherein everyone took time to focus on themselves. This year was the year of collagen, , and digital healthcare. 2023 is going to be about balance.

Serious Mental Illness Startup Vanna Health Raises $29M for Community Support Platform

Serious mental illness (SMI) startup Vanna Health has raised $29 million ahead of its official launch. The company, which is centered around connecting patients with SMI to community resources with a value-based care approach, plans to use the new funding to help it grow out its partnerships and launch in a small number of states.

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