Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | September 26, 2023

Almost $2 trillion in hotel and residential projects in
development in the Middle East

Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt are at the forefront of this extraordinary investment, according to
new data from Knight Frank. The Middle East’s travel and tourism sector witnessed tremendous
growth with a 46.9% increase in its contribution to GDP in 2023, the highest of any global region–and a
booming wellness sector is playing a key role in their tourism industry boom
Read the article on Hotelier >

Issue No. 249: Good as New

From post-workout to preventative wellness, the recovery craze has entered new territory.

Smart Saunas Are Picking Up Steam Around the U.S.

Ski-area homeowners in particular are installing high-tech versions that can be controlled by a smartphone app.

Therme appoints UK CEO as £250m Therme Manchester gets planning approval | spabusiness.com news

Therme Group has received planning permission to build the UK’s first city-based wellbeing resort, Therme Manchester, after a four-year journey.

Niura’s EEG-implemented earbuds scan your brain health and recommend music to your mood | TechCrunch

Niura has developed a pair of earbuds that monitor brain activity and, it claims, can both watch for potential health issues and match music to a user’s Niura, a biotech startup, develops wireless electroencephalography (EEG) implemented earbuds that monitor brain wave activities and match users’ moods to music.

Curated Global Wellness News is posted every Tuesday and Thursday on the Industry News section of the GWS website. Sign up to receive weekly industry news, trends and updates from the Global Wellness Summit. 

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