Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | February 28, 2023

The Glossy Wellness Industry Is Getting a Dose of Gen Z Realness

There’s a huge gap between the green-juice-slinging, athleisure-pushing $4.4 trillion wellness industry and the actual concept of being well. The former projects the illusion that if only you have enough privilege-you’re thin, white, and rich enough-you can buy your way to better well-being with pricy products and services.

New Trends for Wellness in Meetings

Move over yoga. New wellness trends like forest bathing, sound healing, and equine experiences are becoming part of today’s meeting agendas. Layoffs, continued anxiety ignited by Covid, and economic uncertainty, this is a stress-inducing time. Business events are a massive investment, so planners should strive to keep attendees healthy and engaged.

The founders of SoulCycle are back with Peoplehood, a Maveron-backed community platform for people to work on their relationships

Good morning, Broadsheet readers! U.K. companies favor the four-day work week, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) has entered California’s Senate race, and SoulCycle’s founders launch a new startup with some lessons from their first. – Community class. Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler founded SoulCycle together 17 years ago.

Healium Raises $3.6M To Advance Mental Wellness Technology

Mental health has become a talking point in nearly every industry. Stress, trauma, insomnia, and other circumstances can drastically affect the way a person’s brain functions. As entrepreneurs, we’re often told to look for signs of burnout and stress in our employees and ourselves.

Holistic Health Apps Offer Alt-Solutions to Break Bad Habits

Despite the expected 82.5% growth in spending on mental health apps in 2022 (Statista, 2022), 65% of Americans feel they don’t exercise enough, and 52% think they sleep too little (YouGov, 2022). Cue holistic health apps leveraging techniques like hypnosis to create better habits.
Read the article on Stylus >

Soylent acquired by Starco Brands as nutrition company shifts into its ‘natural next stage’

Soylent, which is profitable and had been growing over the past few years, is Starco Brands’ third acquisition in six months.

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