Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | January 10th, 2023

Brush, Sleep, and Pee Your Way to Better Health: The Best Fitness and Wellness Tech of CES 2023

LAS VEGAS-The CES 2023 show floor was filled with myriad devices promising to help improve your health and fitness. From a connected urine analysis monitor that lives in your toilet to a smart treadmill that folds down to the size of a piece of luggage, we saw some unique connected health and fitness devices at the convention this year.

The 23 Biggest Health & Fitness Trends Of 2023

It’s that time of year again, when MH gazes into its crystal ball – or, rather, calls upon a roster of industry insiders – to compile a definitive list of the health and fitness trends set to change the game in the months to come. Take note, this is how you’re going to be shaping up.
Read the article on Men’s Health >

Wellness on Wheels Is Possible

Cars can be very dangerous for their occupants- over 1 million people globally die in car accidents every year. Another 20 to 50 million people report nonfatal accident-related injuries annually. These are grim statistics. But driving doesn’t have to be this way.

Ice Baths. Cryo-Chambers. Hikes at Dawn. Why Spa-Goers Want Hardcore Wellness Now.

I HAD SECOND THOUGHTS awaiting my turn for the (then very rare) cryotherapy tank at Carillon Miami Wellness Resort in 2019. I watched, pale-faced and quivering, as a few brave souls rotated upright in that tank like Sam’s Club rotisserie chickens.

Breakingviews – Fitness finance feels the burn

LONDON, NEW YORK, Jan 6 (Reuters Breakingviews) – On the ground floor of a Chelsea office building on 20th Street in New York City, over 40 muscled people are elbow to elbow and ready for a workout.

The beauty and wellness booking app wars are just beginning

The beauty and wellness booking platform space has been relatively steady over the past decade. During that time, there have been only a handful of notable acquisitions and just under $1.3b invested into the top five platforms.
Read the article on Fast Company>

CES 2023: Superself tech

We’re unpacking the mood-boosting tech launches that caught our eye at the Las Vegas Convention Center this week. LG unveiled a new MoodUp fridge that reflects your emotional state. LED door panels change color to suit a consumer’s mood with 23 individual color options for the top and bottom panels with sensors that detect when a user has entered the kitchen.

Curated Global Wellness News is posted every Tuesday and Thursday on the Industry News section of the GWS website. Sign up to receive weekly industry news, trends and updates from the Global Wellness Summit. 

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