Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | January 5th, 2023

Psychedelic medicines are expanding into the public consciousness

T HE COMING YEAR will see a number of milestones in the emerging era of psychedelic medicines. The recreational drug MDMA will complete a second phase-3 trial for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD). If this trial confirms the findings of the first, from 2021, then in 2023 MDMA will be considered by America’s Food and Drug Administration for approval.

You might be surprised by the health and wellness trends set to be big in 2023

What a year 2022 was. After relentless lockdowns, numerous Covid variants and travel restrictions, the world finally opened up again, with in-person classes, holidays, and life as we knew it pre-pandemic back with a bang. It returned at what felt like a hundred miles an hour.

The Dirt on Clean Beauty

More and more products promise “clean beauty,” along with plumper lips and fewer wrinkles. But what does that actually mean? Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. Give this article Give this article Give this article New Year, new you.

A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream

Life expectancy in the best-performing countries has been increasing by three months per year every year since the early 1800s. Throughout most of human history, you had a roughly 50-50 chance of making it into your twenties, mainly due to deaths from infectious diseases and accidents.

Withings wants you to pee on its latest device

For CES 2023, Withings is launching the U-Scan, an at-home urine lab that can help users track their metabolic and reproductive health. The U-Scan consists of a hands-free reader that goes in your toilet and cartridges for cycle tracking and nutrition.

Curated Global Wellness News is posted every Tuesday and Thursday on the Industry News section of the GWS website. Sign up to receive weekly industry news, trends and updates from the Global Wellness Summit. 

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