How Willow Growth Partners Built the Next Generation of Consumer Brands, from Coterie Diapers to Gen Z Bubble Skincare.

Deborah Benton, founder and managing partner at Willow Growth Partners, is transforming the wellness industry by investing in the next generation of consumer brands—and the disruptive technologies that drive them.

In this Reverse Pitch: Hearing from Investors, you will have the opportunity to learn how Willow Growth selects investments; meet the founders of two of their highly successful ventures, Coterie Baby, Inc. and Bubble Skincare; and understand why Gen Z brands are the future of wellness.

Deborah Benton knows how to pick hot start-ups and why they will be successful. From 2014–2019, she invested in 15 companies, achieved three exits, zero losses, and a portfolio of healthy companies. She is passionate about and actively involved in supporting and mentoring women founders and has held executive operating roles at companies like She Dazzle, where she grew annual revenues to $85 M in two and one-half years.

Frank S. Yu, a founding member of the Asia-Pacific platform of Greystar Real Estate Partners with over $14 billion of assets, didn’t think much about diapering until he went to a baby shower and realized diapers could work better, feel better, and look better than anything else on the market. Willow Growth agreed.

Prior to starting Bubble Skincare in 2018, Shai Eisenman started her BA at 15 and began her career in business at 16 years old. As the founder and CEO of Bubble, she created the first skin-care brand for young skin, with face cleansers to face masks, and set a new skin-care standard. The revolutionary line is NOW available in 3,800 Walmart stores nationwide.

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