Skin Care is Health Care with Beauty Industry Luminary Dr. Howard Murad

Dr. Howard Murad is a true wellness trailblazer. One of the first doctors to open a day spa, and the owner of nineteen patents in the field, Dr. Murad popularized the idea that skincare goes further than skin deep. He was one of the first people to identify skin care as health care, and now he champions the best ways to maintain healthy skin for the sake of your entire body. 

Howard’s story is a  great rags-to-riches tale. The youngest of six born to Iraqi immigrants, he worked his way through college, pharmacy school, and medical school, pushing his way through poverty and out the other side a wellness cultural icon. One of the very first dermatologists to open a day spa, it wasn’t until he was 50 years old that he founded Murad, a brand that’s still a major player in the largest sector of the $4.5 trillion dollar wellness economy – Beauty and Personal Care Products. 

Dr. Howard Murad is a fan of the GWS, having attended a number of Summits around the world. Of course, his innovative company would be one of the of the first to sponsor this podcast – the “spots” were actually conversations with beauty and wellness influencers talking about their personal experience with Murad.  Murad skincare even asked our host, Kim Marshall, to guest host their new podcast, “Well Connected!” three times in 2021! 

His insights into keeping skin healthy are so helpful, from how we should eat our water instead of just drinking it, to the basics of getting enough sleep and most importantly, keeping positive! 

And, of course, there’s more to Dr. Murad than his work with skin, He is an accomplished author and artist and a crafter of joyful axioms or affirmations that are published as “Dr’s Quote Cards.” We also chat about his personal life, his newfound love of art and even his signature bright colors that pop up everywhere from his walls to his shirts. 

As it happens, Kim would often run into Dr. Murad on her favorite hiking trail in the Santa Monica mountains. She says being able to sit down and talk shop with such an influential figure in the world of wellness was both meaningful and fun.

To learn more, visit the Murad site at




Hosted by Kim Marshall

Produced by Crate Media

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