Mixed Use Comes of Age—Why the Future Is Wellness Wherever and Whenever You Need It 

Mixed-use development—an integrated combination of residential, commercial, cultural and transportation functions—is not a new concept. In fact, the mixed-use building concept dates back to Rome’s Trajan’s Market built in 110 AD. With the rise of the fitness and spa industries over the past many decades, residential communities now routinely include built-in or nearby access to a fitness center or spa of some kind. Today, we are witnessing an entirely new era unfold recognizing the undeniable symbiotic relationship between the built environment and its inhabitants—realizing that when wellness is at the center of a community development, people thrive.

The founders of THE WELL understand this. Initially an exclusive, high-end wellness club when it opened in 2019, THE WELL aims to make wellness an approachable and easy part of everyday life, branching out from its NYC urban location to include other locations such as THE WELL Bay Harbor Islands live-work-play community in Miami, Florida. With a highly regarded Chief Medical Officer, Frank Lipman, MD, THE WELL offers an East-meets-West portfolio of services, classes and experiences and actively pursues a “whole-body,” “whole-society” perspective aiming to help people take greater agency for their health by making wellness offerings integrated, efficient and not overly complicated. Rebecca Parekh, Co-Founder & CEO, and Kane Sarhan, Co-Founder & CCO, will be taking the stage at the upcoming Symposium to discuss the coming of age of the mixed-use development and the critical role of wellness. 

Join us at the Wellness Real Estate and Communities Symposium being held on May 2 at the impressive JPMorgan Headquarters in NYC, where you will network with the leaders shaping the future of this exploding sector including 35 other speakers. Limited spaces remain for in-person attendance—register today to secure your place! Now available, the virtual registration option allows you to watch the full event live via Zoom hosted by Wellness Pioneer Anna Bjurstam, or view the recording later on demand. 


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