Trend: Circadian Diets Rise, as New Evidence Shows Association with Weight Loss

TREND: FOCUS SHIFTS FROM SLEEP TO TRUE CIRCADIAN HEALTH THE CIRCADIAN DIET “Light” eating For decades, diets have been all about what we eat (we’ve scurried from the Mediterranean to the keto diet, etc.)—but the science is mounting fast that when we eat has profound metabolic and weight loss consequences. This new evidence is reflected in the rise of intermittent fasting (Google’s most-searched diet of…

Psilocybin Research, Investment and Legalization Is Heating Up

TREND: MUSHROOMS EMERGE FROM UNDERGROUND From more magic mushroom research, microdosing and retreats—to a profusion of superpower mushrooms infused in foods, drinks and beauty products The 2017 Global Wellness Summit kicked off with a serious dose of…mushrooms. Award-winning filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg’s opening talk sneak-previewed his extraordinary new film on the unappreciated power of mushrooms: from their crucial role in Earth’s ecosystem to the mounting medical…

TREND: COVID-19 Will Accelerate the “Dying Well” Trend

TREND: DYING WELL COVID-19 Will Accelerate the “Dying Well” Trend Forecasting the Future Members of the Global Wellness Institute’s Dying Well Initiative, Dr. Candi Cann, associate professor at Baylor University, and Liz Eddy, CEO of Lantern, recently weighed in on how the pandemic will change our culture around death. They discuss what most needs fixing and what’s ahead, from end-of-life planning moving beyond the will…

TREND: “Generative” Wellness Music

TREND: WELLNESS MUSIC WellMusicTech: A new era of personalized music as precision medicine New technologies and apps are radically reimagining how music can become a deeply personalized precision medicine. A pioneer, geared toward the healthcare space, had been Project Sync, which worked with top neuroscientists and musicians to develop personalized musical therapeutics for everything from pain management (given the deadly opioid crisis) to improving sleep. A…

The Connection between Light, Health & Immunity Becomes More Important

TREND: FOCUS SHIFTS FROM SLEEP TO TRUE CIRCADIAN HEALTH CIRCADIAN LIGHTING Get your home light right…finally Most of us have read about circadian lighting for years: the new lighting technologies that are tunable, biodynamic and sync with the time of day. You would think with all the talk that most of us would have it. We think 2020 will be the year that the light…

COVID-19 Further Whacks Circadian Rhythms

Summit Trend in the News: Focus Shifts from Sleep to True Circadian Health Circadian rhythms and immune function – Timeshifter This new report takes a deep dive into the recent medical studies showing that the human immune system is controlled by circadian rhythms. While scientists have long known that time of day impacts infection susceptibility, what was less known was whether this was a result…

Black women-owned businesses are transforming the wellness industry

TREND: A NEW FEMINIST WELLNESS Black women-founded wellness businesses: a fast-growing movement and market Two and a half years ago, the GWS released a trend report on a new “Feminist Wellness,” and a key aspect of the trend was a rising group of black women entrepreneurs moving the wellness industry beyond its narrow image and target market: young, skinny, white women. A movement was brewing,…

Japan’s remarkable resilience in the face of COVID-19 highlights its ancient wellness roots

TREND: J-WELLNESS Brilliantly marrying revered traditions with innovative technologies, Japan asserts a comprehensive culture of wellness—and encourages the world to follow suit. By Peter Eadon-Clarke As awareness of the 100-year Life Society spreads globally, it is natural to look to Japan. In 1965, Japan had 153 centenarians, and in 2017, there were 67,824, representing the largest per capita ratio of them in the world. Fifty percent of Japanese…

“J-Wellness”: COVID-19 puts Japan’s unique culture of wellness in the spotlight

Summit Trend in the News: J-Wellness Has Japan dodged the COVID-19 bullet? – Channel News Asia Though there is no clear evidence for the low death rate in Japan, experts suggest it could be the Japanese culture that has helped: “Mask-wearing, removing shoes, bowing not shaking hands, low obesity levels, and even consuming certain foods have all been advanced as possible cultural reasons for the…

Trend: Organized Religion Is Jumping into Wellness

TREND: ORGANIZED RELIGION JUMPS INTO WELLNESS More religious organizations and ministry leaders are incorporating a wide range of health and fitness modalities—from Ramadan bootcamps to Catholic Pilates classes. By Rina Raphael Millennials often refer to their gym as “church,” and now that could be taken literally. A growing number of religious institutions, nonprofit organizations and ministry leaders are incorporating a wide range of health and…

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