Trend: Generative Wellness Music Is Reaching More Ears

Hollywood and the Entertainment Industries Jump into Wellness Move over purists; big media means wellness for all By: Beth McGroarty INTRODUCTION The ways that wellness has rewritten vast industries such as food, travel, beauty, real estate and fashion have been endlessly documented. Fewer people have paid attention to how wellness is starting to shake up the global entertainment industries, how more innovative wellness programming is…

TREND: Bigger, More Sophisticated Medical-Wellness Destinations

THE SELF-CARE RENAISSANCE: WHERE WELLNESS AND HEALTHCARE CONVERGE BY: Cecelia Girr & Skyler Hubler  INTRODUCTION From 1400–1700, the Medical Renaissance marked a historic breakthrough in our approach to healthcare. Science began to dominate superstition. Anatomical discoveries paved the way for modern medicine. And yes, vaccines were in development. Over three hundred years later, we’re undergoing a new kind of medical renaissance, one where two complementary…

TREND: The “Well” Meeting: Accelerated by the Pandemic, But a Permanent Shift

Resetting Events with Wellness  You may never sit in a banquet chair again By: Nancy Davis In mid-March 2020, many activities came to an abrupt halt; one of them was in-person events. It was obviously no longer safe to gather, ironically at a time when human connection was needed more than ever. And no matter the power of technology and the gratitude we all felt for…

TREND: Travelers Will Hunger for the Wildest, Most Remote Nature in 2021–Here’s Why

THE YEAR OF THE TRAVEL RESET By Elaine Glusac The healing power of nature, partially renewed by the mandate to maintain social distance, got a boost during the pandemic, as travelers flocked to the outdoors, from backyards to backwoods, throwing firewood on the blaze already ignited by forest-bathing and the movement by some medical doctors to prescribe time in the woods to patients seeking stress…

TREND: Making Access to Green Nature Less White

ADDING COLOR TO WELLNESS By Tonia Callender Your wellness is not my wellness Like many Black women, I mostly see wellness as a luxury that others pursue. I have the time, resources and interest to pursue wellness activities, but misconceptions and entrenched racial bias hinder my options. To me, wellness spaces, spas, studios and resorts seem designed for white people. When I do visit these…

Trend: MONEY OUT LOUD–Financial Wellness Is Surging

MONEY OUT LOUD Financial Wellness Is Finding Its Voice By: Cecelia Girr & Skyler Hubler of Backslash, TBWA Worldwide Money has topped the “do-not-discuss” list for decades—right alongside religion, sex and politics. Bringing up the “m” word on a first date has long been considered a surefire way to guarantee you won’t get a second one. And just a few years ago, publicly sharing your…

Wellness Trends Report: “The Future of Wellness 2021”

Wellness Trends Report: “The Future of Wellness 2021” The Global Wellness Summit’s in-depth 2021 Wellness Trends Report analyzes the top nine wellness trends that will have the most meaningful impact on the multitrillion global wellness industry in 2021 and beyond. This comprehensive forecast contains proprietary information and examples to help wellness professionals and businesses understand the changes that lie ahead post-COVID—and succeed in a new…

TREND: Breath Stars

Just Breathe! Breath goes from woo-woo wellness to a powerful health tool By Sandra Ballentine Introduction Breathwork used to sit squarely on the woo-woo side of the wellness spectrum, but in recent years, clinical studies conducted at schools like Harvard, Stanford and Johns Hopkins have put modern science and real data behind something we’ve actually known for centuries—the way we breathe has profound effects on…

TREND: Regenerative Travel Will Move from Lofty Ideal to More Action

The Year of the Travel Reset From manic getaways to slower, more mindful travel By Elaine Glusac Introduction The coronavirus pandemic acted as a near complete brake on travel in 2020. While some people eventually learned how to continue to take vacations safely while living with the pathogen, most stayed home. In the lull, travel operators fought—and are continuing to fight—for their livelihoods. But the…

A Healthy Microbiome; It’s 70% of our immune system

Crucial to Immune Health: A Healthy Microbiome; It’s 70% of our immune system The microbiome is inextricably linked to our immunity, with a growing body of research agreeing that 70% of the entire human immune system is found in the “gut”– as well as 80% of plasma cells responsible for antibody production. A new study reveals that the gut microorganisms of COVID-19 patients were very different…

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