Trend in the News – August 19th, 2022

TREND: THERMAL BATHING IS HOT (AND COLD)   Week of August 10th, 2022 Othership: An Oasis For The Sober-Curious–Forbes Othership is described as a dreamy modern bathhouse that offers classes combining breathwork, sauna and cold plunges. It was created out of founder and CEO Robbie Bent’s commitment to sobriety and wellness. Bent had been experimenting with wellness practices to help him and, in the process (and…


TREND: THERMAL BATHING IS HOT (AND COLD)   Post pandemic, consumers are amping to explore new forms of sweat bathing and reap the benefits of hot/cold contrast therapy. In our 2022 trend, Urban Bathhouses and Wellness Playgrounds, we explored the revival of communal hydrothermal bathing, an age-old, traditional wellness experience that is being embraced the world over. By Cassandra Cavanah  There’s a plethora of amazing, often…

Trend in the News – July 6th, 2022

Trend: Urban Wellness Resorts Will See Future Growth after Pandemic Pause   Week of July 6th, 2022 Pandemic Speeds Up Urban Wellness Resorts as Sanctuaries for Self-Care–Virtuoso Even before the pandemic, urban wellness resorts – restorative sanctuaries with comprehensive fitness, health, and spa services amid the big-city thrum – were proliferating globally. But Covid-19 seems to have sped up their adoption as the mass return to…

Trend: Urban Wellness Resorts Will See Future Growth after Pandemic Pause

Trend: Urban Wellness Resorts Will See Big Growth After Pandemic Pause   Yes, the pandemic fueled a flight from cities to deeper-in-nature destinations for both residents and travelers. Urban wellness resorts saw a pause, but the future is more–and more sophisticated–destinations, because cities are getting a deep “wellness re-think” and a serene wellness sanctuary is an ever more attractive model for a city-stay.   Back in 2019,…

Trend in the News – June 22, 2022

Trend in the News: From Wellness Tech to Technological Wellness  Week of June 22nd, 2022 Lawmakers Want Social Media Companies to Stop Getting Kids Hooked–Wired New bills all cross the US would force platforms like TikTok and Instagram to ditch their insidious features that keep youngsters glued to their phones. There is a new surge of public interest in taking action to protect kids whose…

Trend: From Wellness Tech to Technological Wellness

Trend: From Wellness Tech to Technological Wellness   We’re inundated with technology promising to make us well–whether it’s smart home gyms or wearable devices. We predict more people will grasp that what matters more is “technological wellness,” a movement that addresses how—and how often—we engage with technology at large: where we start to treat our digital intake like we do our food intake.   Between…

Trend: Move-to-Earn Apps and Gaming Platforms–That Reward People for Hitting Exercise and Wellness Goals–Are on Fire

Trend: Move-to-Earn Apps and Gaming Platforms–That Reward People for Hitting Exercise and Wellness Goals–Are on Fire   In just the last few months, there has been an explosion of gaming companies rewarding people with cryptocurrency just for moving around–as well as new apps and credit cards that pay you (whether in cash or with discounts off wellness brands) for exercising and other healthy behaviors   …

Trend in the News – Week of June 8th 2022

Trend in the News: Move-to-Earn Apps and Gaming Platforms–That Reward People for Hitting Exercise and Wellness Goals–Are on Fire   Week of June 8th, 2022 Move To Earn: A Temporary Fad Or Here To Stay?–Entrepreneur This article looks at several companies in the move-to-earn space that have transformed the concept from a niche innovation in the crypto world to a pop culture phenom–from Wirtual, where you…

Trend in the News – Week of May 25th 2022

Trend in the News: Innovative Tech Is Closing the Gender Gap in Medical Research   Week of May 25, 2022 Can femtech close the gender health gap?–Maddyness UK An overview of how medicine has long neglected female anatomy—and how femtech startups are now working to close the research gap by using tech to collect data on women, for women. Wild.AI collects data on users’ menstrual…

Trend: Innovative Tech Is Closing the Gender Gap in Medical Research

Trend: Innovative Tech Is Closing the Gender Gap in Medical Research   May 24, 2022 Artificial Intelligence (AI), apps, and wearables (even smart bras and pads) are increasingly collecting data for a wide range of women’s health conditions—whether vaginal health, fertility, endometriosis or menopause. The data is then powering more personalized interventions for women and this will impact not only healthcare but wellness .  …

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