Governments Ramp Up the War on Loneliness

Governments Ramp Up the War on Loneliness   From the US Surgeon General’s unprecedented public health advisory and new national framework on the American loneliness crisis last week, to South Korea announcing that it would give isolated young people $500 a month to get out of the house, there are recent signs that more governments are taking loneliness seriously Our 2023 trend, “Wellness Comes for the…

Wellness Tourism’s Next Wave: Indigenous Travel

Wellness Tourism’s Next Wave: Indigenous Travel   One of our 2023 trends focuses on how the future of wellness travel is a move from “placeless global smorgasbord to culturally-specific courses.” Written by New York Times columnist, Elaine Glusac, it explores how if wellness and wellness tourism has long resembled Disney’s “It’s a Small World,” buffets of global experiences too often divorced from place (…that Hawaiian lomi…

Trend in the News – Mar 8th, 2023

Trend: The Wellness World Begins to Teach “Relational Fitness” Week of March 8th, 2023 Inside SoulCycle founder’s relational fitness group, Peoplehood – NBC Today video While much has been written about Peoplehood, this NBC reporter’s video of her experiencing an actual “gathering” makes the new concept tangible. You see how Peoplehood’s guided “relational fitness” conversation sessions mean listening more than talking and how they’re focused…

Trend: The Wellness World Begins to Teach “Relational Fitness”

Trend: The Wellness World Begins to Teach “Relational Fitness”   With our social skills atrophied, the wellness world is doing something new: teaching people to communicate, connect and empathize more deeply–from the new Peoplehood, a group conversation model built upon “active listening” to compassion-building techniques, whether loving-kindness meditation or freudenfreude training  Our 2023 trend, “Wellness Comes for the Loneliness Epidemic,” is about how the most powerful…

The Trend in the News – Dec 14 2022

TREND: Baby It’s Cold: Ice Plunges & Cold Therapies Are on Everyone’s Wishlist. Week of December 14th, 2022 Hot & Cold Therapy Is About to Be Accessible To The Masses: How To Get In On It – MindBodyGreen Lifestyle MindBodyGreen’s 2023 trend forecast includes a deep dive into why “good stress” is good for you, including the benefits of hot and cold therapy for recovery.…

TREND: Baby It’s Cold: Ice Plunges & Cold Therapies Are on Everyone’s Wishlist

TREND: Baby It’s Cold: Ice Plunges & Cold Therapies Are on Everyone’s Wishlist   The pandemic and its threat to global health, accelerated our fascination and experimentation with any practices that promised to build resilience, combat stress or improve immune functions. One of the hottest therapies to come out of this happens to also be one of the coldest: extreme, ice-cold, whole-body immersion. The concept…

Trend: The Rise of Menopause Retreats

Trend: The Rise of Menopause Retreats   Menopause, an inevitable transition affecting half the world’s population that can bring serious physical and emotional challenges, has been criminally ignored in culture, medicine, and yes, wellness. Now it’s bursting out of the cultural closet, there is a rising storm of menopause-focused solutions, and on the travel front, more destinations are launching menopause retreats where women come together…

Trend in the News – Oct. 19, 2022

TREND: Menopause Retreats Week of October 19th, 2022 The rise of the menopause vacation–The Wall Street Journal  Provides a good overview of the trend, looking at a number of resorts, wellness destinations, and individual practitioners rolling out menopause retreats–and the diverse approaches their programs consist of. Interviews doctors on the evidence for what can help from the wellness space (stress reduction, education, some nutritional changes,…

The Trend in the News: Sept 7th, 2022

TREND: The Wealth Divide is Widening: Super-Expensive Wellness is on the Rise Week of September 7th, 2022 Ultra-rich fueling sales of luxury brands despite inflation and recession fears–CNBC A couple of weeks ago, companies that cater to the ultra-rich, such as LVMH (Dior, Louis Vuitton, etc.), Ferrari, Capri, etc. are all reporting super-strong first-half 2022 sales and hiking profit forecasts, while companies like the Gap…

Trend: The Wellth Divide Is Widening: Super-Expensive Wellness Is on the Rise

Trend: The Wellth Divide Is Widening: Super-Expensive Wellness Is on the Rise   The pandemic brought new demands for a less elitist wellness market, but it also fueled growing wealth disparity–so we’re seeing more expensive, exclusive wellness than ever before: $4,000/night room rates at new wellness hotels, $75 million wellness condos, $200,000 cosmetic procedures, and a surge in private, expensive wellness social clubs (or the Soho-House-ification…

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