Digital Wellness Movement Gains Traction

Summit Trend in the News: Wellness Meets Happiness Early Facebook and Google employees form coalition to fight what they built–The New York Times Alarmed over the ill effects of social networks and smartphones, a group of Silicon Valley technologists who were early employees at Facebook and Google are banding together to challenge the companies they helped build. Addicted to your smartphone? Now there’s an app…

Feminist Wave Fuels Women-Empowered Travel

Trend Exploration: A New Feminist Wellness Why healthy travelers are choosing fitness retreats over spa vacations—Well+Good In a survey of nearly 5,000 Well+Good readers, Well+Good found that 40 percent of respondents would rather go on a fitness retreat with a beloved instructor than head to a five-star resort. In an era of empowerment, more trips for women—New York Times As the #MeToo movement gains momentum,…

Wellness Travel Aimed at Empowering Women

TREND: A New Feminist Wellness Wellness Travel Aimed at Empowering Women Most wellness travel is aimed at women, and there are a gazillion female-focused wellness retreats each year. In the past though, you could say that women’s wellness travel has been more about comfort than epic challenge—more pampering by the pool with your BFF—or where the psychology of empowerment offered up was rather “soft.” Now,…

The Power of Infant Massage

Trend Exploration: Reframing the First 1,000 days Massage works because it changes your physiology—Global Wellness Summit Video interview with Tiffany Field, PhD. Her landmark study demonstrated that preterm newborns who received moderate pressure massage therapy had greater weight gain. The First 1000 Days of a Baby’s Life—What matters and why—Thrive Global The influence of a baby’s health and learning environment during the first 1,000 days…

More Pampering for those in Pampers

TREND: Reframing the First 1,000 Days More Pampering for those in Pampers There have been numerous studies on how touching—or lack of touching—can affect a baby’s development—with human touch having a special power for premature babies. Preterm birth is now the single most important cause of neonatal deaths (babies under 28 days) and the second leading cause of death in children under age five. Diverse…

Design Trend Encourages Healthy Eating

Trend Exploration: The Wellness Kitchen From Environmental Health to Human Wellbeing—Global Wellness Summit Using the kitchen as an example, Veronica Schreibeis Smith, chair of the Global Wellness Institute’s Wellness Architecture Initiative and CEO and founder of Vera Iconica Kitchen, argues that architecture has the power to impact all areas of our lives. Why thoughtful kitchen design is good for your health—Wallpaper The desire to live…

Making Healthy Choices Easy and Visible

TREND: The Wellness Kitchen Making Healthy Choices Easy and Visible The traditional kitchen invented in the 1950s is essentially a mausoleum to store “dead food.” Refrigerators and dark cupboards and pantries are designed to stockpile pre-packaged, processed, nonliving foods, hidden behind doors unseen and often forgotten for months or years. A serious disconnect between how more of us now eat (and want to eat) and…

Why Mushrooms are the New “IT” Beauty Ingredient

Trend Exploration: Mushrooms Emerge from Underground 3 surprising things Dr. Andrew Weil is obsessed with—and thinks you should be too—Well+Good GWS keynote speaker Dr. Andrew Weil (in conversation with Well+Good) noted that people outside Asia are finally grasping the “phenomenal” health benefits of so many kinds of mushrooms for medicinal purposes: “With such a great range—mainly Asian mushrooms—that enhance immunity, protect us from cancer and…

Shrooms Bloom in Beauty

TREND: Mushrooms Emerge from Underground Shrooms Bloom in Beauty Non-trippy mushrooms, which have played a starring role in traditional Eastern medicine for many millennia, are now getting overdue global recognition as equally “magic” functional foods—and beauty aisles are experiencing a great mushroom invasion. They’ve long been a key component in Asian beauty products, and now mushrooms are hitting global skincare, cosmetic and haircare lines for…

Why Happiness is the Next Big Thing

Trend Exploration: Wellness Meets Happiness Wellness in the Age of Technology —Global Wellness Summit Jeremy McCarthy, group director of Spa & Wellness, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, told the Summit audience in his keynote titled “Wellness in the Age of Technology” that not all technology, of course, is bad—the real problem is that it is so good. But McCarthy points out that “…(technology) is (still) the…

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