More People Living Their Best Life By Embracing Death

Summit Trend in the News: Dying Well How the Death Positive Movement Is Coming to Life – Healthline From joining “coffin clubs” to downloading apps such as WeCroak, which pings you five times a day reminding you that you will die, more people are living their best life by embracing death. And this new death-positive mindset isn’t just some smiley face substitute for grief; it’s…

Consumer Awareness of Fashion Industry’s Environmental Impact Hits Boiling Point

TREND: WELL FASHION — WAY BEYOND ATHLEISURE An Avalanche of Platforms for Recycling, Reselling & Renting Fashion We live in a make-buy-trash fashion culture: Eighty-three percent of our clothes/shoes get chucked in the garbage. And in 2018, there were reports about fashion’s nasty secret: Brands incinerate/shred unsold stock to protect their halo of exclusivity. For instance, Burberry acknowledged it destroyed $36 million worth of unsold…

Trend: Surge in People Buying Used Fashion Online or Renting Their Wardrobes

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion — Way Beyond Athleisure Seriously, Why Aren’t You Renting Your Clothes? – The Cut Since 2013, fashion rental has blossomed. In perhaps the most symbolic recent news, upstart clothing rental platform Le Tote just bought department store grand dame, Lord & Taylor. Companies from Ann Taylor to Bloomingdale’s have launched subscription models. If you’re only going to wear…

Future: Companies Experimenting with Signature and Healing Scents as Branding

TREND:  MEDISCENT — FRAGRANCE GETS A WELLNESS MAKEOVER Scent in Branding Using scent commercially clearly isn’t necessarily a new phenomenon—hotels, spas and retailers have been aware of its ability to tap into consumers’ brains for years. What is different is a growing acceptance that “olfactory logos” are a must to complete a brand’s identity. Fun olfactory logo fact: In 2018, Hasbro (US) patented the “scent of childhood”…

Trend: Custom Fragrances as Part Aromatherapy and Part Branding Exercise

Summit Trend in the News: MediScent – Fragrance Gets a Wellness Makeover The Swaying Power of Scented Spaces Isn’t Always Right Under Our Nose – NPR One World Trade Center in NYC has recently deployed a custom scent (hints of citrus, beech trees, etc.) that wafts throughout the city’s tallest building to elicit “positive thoughts”—and it’s a marketing strategy businesses are increasingly deploying to lure…

China to Outrank France as World’s Most Popular Travel Destination by 2030

TREND: CHINA – UNCOVERING THE WEALTH IN WELLNESS China: A Rising Wellness Travel Destination Upsurge in Inbound Wellness Tourism For inbound travel, China is expected to outrank France as the world’s most popular travel destination by 2030.[1] The increase in the number of international visitors to China should be considered in light of the country’s unstoppable domestic tourism. In 2017, domestic travel accounted for over $720…

New Sophistication in Chinese Wellness Destinations

Summit Trend in the News: China – Uncovering the Wealth In Wellness Across China: Wellness Tourism Gains Popularity among Young White Collars –XinhauNet With China’s extreme work culture and increased stress levels, more Chinese millennials are hungry for wellness travel. New destinations are focusing on everything from hot springs to mountaineering, and the inbound traveler will benefit. 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Visit Amanyangyun, Shanghai…

The Future of Meditation is “Plural”: Choices Tailored to What Each of Us Needs

TREND: MEDITATION GOES PLURAL From New Breeds to Meditation Studios with Deep, Diverse Menus Sophrology One unique thing about the wellness world is the constant importing and exporting of established practices, and out of Europe now comes sophrology—or “dynamic meditation.” Sophrology is an emerging stress-management technique that marries components from Eastern meditation practices and Western relaxation concepts—and it’s gaining serious interest worldwide. The practice was…

Meditation Studios and Wellness Centers Offering Deep Menus

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural Forget mindfulness – is sophrology the key to a calm mind? – Marie Claire UK Sophrology was born in Europe and combines breathing exercises, visualization, body awareness exercises, positive psychology, meditation and physical movement to relax the mind and body and build confidence. And it’s really starting to take off. Why you need to try popular spirituality…

Rise of the Urban Wellness Resort

TREND: WELLNESS TAKES ON OVERTOURISM Rise of the Urban Wellness Resort Overtourism – The World’s Newest Wellness Destinations: Cities Even in the world’s most crowded cities, people need a respite. It may seem counterintuitive to place a wellness hospitality property smack in the middle of a major metropolitan area. But the fact is, several of the world’s top wellness brands are moving beyond their roots…

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