The Wild West of Personalized Nutrition

TREND: NUTRITION GETS VERY PERSONALIZED Cracking Personalized Nutrition and the Microbiome through AI and Apps Research Says…It Works Though it’s early days in personal nutrition research, preliminary studies have shown that individuals are more likely to stick with personalized nutrition advice based on DNA, blood biomarkers and genotypes (a positive offshoot of our craving for the hyper-personalization of everything?). For example, a 42-week study of…

Trend: Cracking Personalized Nutrition and the Microbiome through AI and Apps

Summit Trend in the News: Nutrition Gets Very Personalized Diet for One? Scientists Stalk the Dream of Personalized Nutrition – The New York Times No single food regimen works for everyone, and a new study called Predict is the world’s largest experiment in how individuals respond to food. The early results documented, for the first time, surprising variations in how well participants processed fats and…

Trend: AI and 3D Design Technologies Creating Sustainable and Inclusive “Well Fashion”

TREND: WELL FASHION Rip Off the Labels: Fashion’s New Inclusivity around Size and Gender The fashion industry is all about labels, not just Chanel or Levi’s, but labels such as “petite” or “plus-sized” or “man” or “woman”—dictating what you should buy, in what part of the store, and at what racks. But in our era of feminism, body positivity and “wokeness” of all kinds (especially…

“Well Fashion” Means a More Inclusive Fashion Industry

Summit Trend in the News: Well Fashion   Fashion’s Long Road to Inclusivity – Business of Fashion In the last year, fashion brands have been called out for everything from cultural appropriation to racism, and this article looks at fashion’s long, non-inclusive history and how a new storm of identity politics, consumer activism and social media look to bring about lasting change and a more…

Successful Brands of the Furture Will Be “Nature Smart”

TREND: PRESCRIBING NATURE Nature Smart More and more companies are promoting the outdoor lifestyle. “Nature Smart” brands are educating consumers on the benefits of nature. It used to be that the person who served as the poster child for this idea was more of a modern-day hippie than a corporate CEO. They would literally shout from the mountaintops. All of that continues to change. REI…

Prescribing Nature: Plants Are the New Pets

Summit Trend in the News: Prescribing Nature The One Thing Millennials Haven’t Killed Is Houseplants – Bloomberg Record demand for Instagram-ready flora has sent “plant parents” scouring the web for fiddle-leaf figs. With millennials delaying parenthood, plants are the new pets, and they’re meeting the yearning among young generations to reconnect with nature. Millennials love plants so much they’re convincing tech companies to replace office artwork with “living…

Physical Activity Is an $828 Billion Market

New Research: Physical Activity Is an $828 Billion Market – To Reach $1.1 Trillion+ by 2023 Yesterday at the Global Wellness Summit being held in Singapore, the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) released its major 2019 research report: Move To Be Well: The Global Economy of Physical Activity. In 2018, the GWI found that the fitness/mind-body market was worth $595 billion, but this new research broadens…

Apps and Technologies Boosting, Personalizing and Transforming Meditation Experience

TREND: MEDITATION GOES PLURAL New apps and technologies are boosting, personalizing and transforming the meditation experience Apps bring meditation to the masses—and get people used to flipping meditation “channels” There are now, according to estimates, roughly 1,500 meditation and mindfulness apps—and there’s no doubt that there has been no greater force ever in making the idea of meditation less mysterious and more accessible. Headspace alone…

Apps Bring Meditation to the Masses

Summit Trend in the News: Meditation Goes Plural New Music-Focused Wellness App Wave Is Peak Meditation – The Observer The new app Wave is forgoing waterfalls for a diverse music mix that’s used with a vibrating bolster. As their founder puts it, “We’re fusing beats with breathing techniques and vibrations in the cushion to create a new experience better suited to millennial consumers…” This App…

Exploring Death Becomes Part of Living a Mentally Well Life

TREND: DYING WELL Exploring death becomes part of living a mentally well life From death cafes to death fests: A hunger to just talk about it If modern culture is the first to pathologize any interest in death, now there are many more places and platforms to finally come together and have a real conversation about it. So many blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels explore…

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