Joseph G. Allen, Jim Dobbie & Debra Wyatte – Healthy Buildings, Healthy Lives: A Revolution in Modern Living Spaces

72. Joseph G. Allen, Jim Dobbie & Debra Wyatte – Healthy Buildings, Healthy Lives: A Revolution in Modern Living Spaces It’s time to rethink our built environments. A thought-provoking concept known as ‘sick buildings’ has come to the fore, raising concerns about our everyday spaces. Historically, buildings were not designed with health and wellness as a priority. As a result, these structures can induce a…

Qatar: Here and Now

Qatar: Here and Now Cathy Feliciano-Chon, co-chair of the 2023 Global Wellness Summit, shares insights on Qatar, a nation in transformation Qatar is transforming itself at warped speed, in a region fast positioning itself as a formidable wellness tourism destination. What it has achieved in merely 50 years of nation building is nothing short of remarkable. It has prioritized four pillars–health, education, sports and culture–on…

Deborah Szekely and Susie Ellis – A Mentor, Two Mavens and the Birth of a Movement

71. Deborah Szekely and Susie Ellis – A Mentor, Two Mavens and the Birth of a Movement In the past century, one industry has evolved into a lifestyle, healthcare and business gamechanger—and that is wellness. In this episode we talk to two icons: one who launched the wellness industry in North America and influenced so many others along the way, and the other who was…

Governments Ramp Up the War on Loneliness

Governments Ramp Up the War on Loneliness   From the US Surgeon General’s unprecedented public health advisory and new national framework on the American loneliness crisis last week, to South Korea announcing that it would give isolated young people $500 a month to get out of the house, there are recent signs that more governments are taking loneliness seriously Our 2023 trend, “Wellness Comes for the…

Jonathan Leary: Social Wellness & the Future of Mind/Body Fitness

70. Jonathan Leary: Social Wellness & the Future of Mind/Body Fitness Just because it’s called self-care doesn’t mean it has to be done alone. We’re joined by Dr. Jonathan Leary, the visionary founder and CEO of Remedy Place — known as the world’s first social wellness club. Designed to be the antithesis of a clinical environment, Remedy Place offers a luxurious space for healing, relaxation,…

ON THE AGENDA: Mixed Use Comes of Age—Why the Future Is Wellness Wherever and Whenever You Need It

ON THE AGENDA “Mixed Use Comes of Age—Why the Future Is Wellness Wherever and Whenever You Need It”  Mixed-use development—an integrated combination of residential, commercial, cultural and transportation functions—is not a new concept. In fact, the mixed-use building concept dates back to Rome’s Trajan’s Market built in 110 AD. With the rise of the fitness and spa industries over the past many decades, residential communities…

Freddie Moross: Wellness Music at the Intersection of Art, Science & Culture

Freddie Moross: Wellness Music at the Intersection of Art, Science & Culture Music is in our DNA, an integral part of human cultures for millennia. Experts have defined music as “sound that conveys emotion” and it has often been described as the “soundtrack to our lives.” Our guest today, Freddie Moross, the CEO of Myndstream wellness music, invites us to consider the kind of music…

Wellness Tourism’s Next Wave: Indigenous Travel

Wellness Tourism’s Next Wave: Indigenous Travel   One of our 2023 trends focuses on how the future of wellness travel is a move from “placeless global smorgasbord to culturally-specific courses.” Written by New York Times columnist, Elaine Glusac, it explores how if wellness and wellness tourism has long resembled Disney’s “It’s a Small World,” buffets of global experiences too often divorced from place (…that Hawaiian lomi…

Explore Qatar, Where the Hyper-modern Meets Ancient Tradition

Explore Qatar Where the Hyper-modern Meets Ancient Tradition Join us for a transformative experience in Doha, Qatar, for the 17th Annual Global Wellness Summit, where delegates from over 50 countries join together to shape the future of wellness. The 17th annual Global Wellness Summit (GWS) will be held in the ultramodern city of Doha, Qatar, where tradition meets modernity. Delegates from over 50 countries will…

Robert Hammond – Urban Wellness from New York’s High Line to Stadium-Sized Urban Spas

Robert Hammond – Urban Wellness from New York’s High Line to Stadium-Sized Urban Spas Are you tired of feeling disconnected in the bustling city? Are you searching for a way to connect with others and improve your overall wellness? Are you a developer, business owner or residential property owner seeking to create a stronger sense of community within your built environment? Our conversation today is…

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