Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | August 24th, 2023

Travel will represent a $15.5 trillion economy by 2033

Data from the World Travel & Tourism Council points to global tourism’s significant growth
in the next decade. That includes the US, where travel will soon be worth $3 trillion.
Read the article on Bloomberg >

The Ozempic Craze Could Put These Companies on a Crash Diet

Anti-obesity medications could affect industries that benefit from America’s food problem.

The EU wants to cure your teen’s smartphone addiction

Adolescents are unhappier than before. But is technology to blame?

Fake Meat Is Bleeding, but It’s Not Dead Yet

Beyond Meat’s weak sales led to headlines about “peak veganism” and the end of plant-based meats. But demand in Europe shows there’s still life in alternative proteins.

Berlin-based Lykon raises further €2.5 million to help 1
million people lose weight sustainably

Lykon aims to be a European leader for personalized nutrition programs based on certified
blood and DNA tests and complemented by motivational psychology concepts and AI
Read the article on EU Startups >

Longevo Raises $5.5M in Funding

Longevo, a Miami, FL-based provider of a preventative health, fitness, and wellness platform for individuals and corporations, raised $5.5M in funding

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