Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | May 2nd,2023

Obesity drug industry could be worth $200 billion within the decade,
says Barclays, as market valuations grow

The burgeoning weight-loss drug industry, which is whetting investors’ appetites with its pledge of combating global obesity rates, could be worth as much as $200 billion within the next decade, according to Barclays bank.
Read the article on CNBC >

Longevity Clinics Expand Across Europe

The effort to cure ageing is underway, and longevity clinics are riding the wave. Forever young. Interest in anti-ageing and wellness-boosting services is fueling a new take on a spa day. The effort to “delay human death” will be worth $600B by 2025. The global medical spa market is projected to reach $49B by 2030.

Why Athleisure’s Pulse is Racing in Southeast Asia

When COVID-19 disrupted our lives a few years ago, consumers swapped their skinny jeans and trouser suits for comfy leggings and joggers and haven’t looked back since. Athleisure has taken the world by storm, and consumers in Southeast Asia love it. Combining functionality with comfort has been a priority for consumers lately, boosting demand for athleisure or sports-inspired sportswear.

22 Out of 25 Melatonin Products Were Mislabeled, Study Finds

New research found that the gummies contained different amounts of the commonly used sleep aid than advertised. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. A tiny, berry-flavored gummy of melatonin carries a big promise: better sleep.

Operatic escapism

In London, new openings are taking inspiration from the hedonistic abandon and unrestrained extravagance of ancient Greece. Bacchanalia, a restaurant that opened in Mayfair in December 2022, has been described as ” a fantasy land of operatic escapism” and ” a Greco-Roman ode to opulence.”

Chunk Foods close to opening factory to produce ‘millions’ of plant-based steaks

The company develops whole cuts of alternative proteins using fermentation technology and food-grade microorganisms.

Curated Global Wellness News is posted every Tuesday and Thursday on the Industry News section of the GWS website. Sign up to receive weekly industry news, trends and updates from the Global Wellness Summit. 

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