The Future of Wellness 2023
Trends Report Coming January 31

The Future of Wellness annual global trends report has garnered a reputation for predicting billion-dollar new sectors. For almost 20 years, the Global Wellness Summit has been the authority on predicting non-trendy wellness trends with rigor, business acumen and unmatched industry savvy—anticipating the meaningful shifts impacting the business of wellness. Preorder the 2023 Future of Wellness global trends report to learn what’s next, as we reflect back on where we got it right in the past:

We predicted a booming Wellness Travel sector before the term was commonly used.

Now it’s the fastest growing travel sector. The Global Wellness Institute predicts an impressive 21% annual growth rate, expanding the sector to an over $1 trillion market by 2024.

We predicted mushrooms would explode in wellness before they became a multi-billion-dollar mainstream market.

Since we wrote the trend “Mushrooms Emerge from Underground” in 2018, a flood of additional medical evidence has been presented on how psilocybin can reset the brain and treat depression, addiction and anxiety; and the use of psilocybin is now trumpeted across media channels and even found on popular streaming shows such as the satire “Nine Perfect Strangers.”

We predicted “A New Feminist Wellness” when it was still taboo.

Six years later, we are seeing femtech companies become unicorns at unprecedented rates and a flood of groundbreaking companies emerge addressing fertility, menopause, sexual health and more.


Preorder The Future of Wellness 2023 digital trends report before it is released on January 31 to save $20 and be the first to know the 12 key trends shaping the business of wellness in 2023 and beyond.

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