TREND: Baby It’s Cold: Ice Plunges & Cold Therapies Are on Everyone’s Wishlist.

Week of December 14th, 2022

Hot & Cold Therapy Is About to Be Accessible To The Masses: How To Get In On It MindBodyGreen Lifestyle
MindBodyGreen’s 2023 trend forecast includes a deep dive into why “good stress” is good for you, including the benefits of hot and cold therapy for recovery. “If you’ve spent your whole life trying to avoid stress, it may be tough to wrap your head around the idea of running straight toward it.

The $4,990 Ice Bath– The New York Times
A look at the various creative ways cold-plunge devotees are introducing freezing ice baths into their practices. From the celebrity trainer who converted a chest freezer into a makeshift cold plunge to the slew of manufacturers introducing off-the-shelf cold plunges that cost anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000, and the experts who suggest a Postmates ice delivery to use in your own bathtub

Cold-Plunging with Maine’s “Ice Mermaids”– The New York Times
Inspiring look at the women embracing natural cold plunging in Maine. The group, founded by a Swede who grew up with the practice of saunas and cold plunges felt compelled to share her culture with her community and feel connected to her homeland.

I Tried The Ice Barrel’s Cold Therapy Tool & Now I Like Ice Baths– Bustle
A review of the $2,000 Ice Barrel and a look at the results the reviewer got from using it. Spoiler alert: she likes it but is not sure it’s worth the splurge unless used regularly.

How Dipping Into the Cold Has Become a Hot Trend Boston Globe
For millennia, humans have avoided plunging into cold water. Now they’re paying good money to do it.

You’re Not a Polar Bear: The Plunge Into Cold Water Comes With Risks– American Heart Association
The American Heart Association warns that sudden immersion in water under 60° F can be dangerous, encouraging those looking to take the cold plunge to do their due diligence before jumping in.

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