Wellness Real Estate
Research and Resources

As part of the comprehensive Global Wellness Institute (GWI) global wellness economy report issued in December 2021, the Wellness Real Estate: Looking Beyond COVID-19 report reveals that the wellness real estate sector was the #1 growth-leader both before and during the pandemic: The market grew from $148.5 billion in 2017 to $225 billion in 2019 to $275 billion in 2020 (22% annual growth).

For the first time, view how individual countries rank in the wellness economy and the size of Wellness Real Estate and all key sectors in each country in the February 2022 GWI report, The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings.

GWI’s 2018 report, Build Well to Live Well, was the first research to size and analyze the global and regional wellness lifestyle real estate and communities market.

A White Paper in the GWI’s 2020 Compendium series, Resetting the World With Wellness: Healthy Built Environments for Healthy People, illustrated the roles that communities, businesses and governments can play in building healthier homes and communities.

Read the white papers from Delos Labs publishing results from years of study on how health and well-being can be improved in the spaces where we live, work, learn and play.

A collaboration between the Mayo Clinic and Delos offering free published research, The Well Living Lab is the first lab exclusively committed to research, development and testing of innovations designed to improve the health and well-being of individuals in the built environment.

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