Headlines in the Global Wellness Economy

Global Wellness News™ | June 18th, 2022

Saudi Arabia plans to spend $1 billion a year discovering treatments to slow aging

Skip to Content The oil kingdom fears that its population is aging at an accelerated rate and hopes to test drugs to reverse the problem. First up might be the diabetes drug metformin. Anyone who has more money than they know what to do with eventually tries to cure aging.

How the gut health retreat became the wellness trend of the moment

In The Independent’s travel trends column, Trendwatch, we dig into the types of trip, modes of transport and top buzzwords to watch out for. When I started out in travel, spa trends were almost exclusively sexy. Glowing skin, buffed limbs, coconut oil, 24-carat gold face masks…

Stressed, Sad, and Anxious: A Snapshot of the Global Workforce

Gallup’s new data on the global workforce in 2021 reveals that employees around the world are experiencing stress at an all-time-high level, and worry, anger, and sadness remain above pre-pandemic levels. These emotions are organizational risks: If leaders aren’t paying attention to employee wellbeing, they’re likely to be blindsided by top performer burnout and high quit rates.

How Apple’s thoughtful, measured approach is building a revolution in health

Apple’s focus on health signals changes to your healthcare as well as your workouts Apple’s health business could now stand alone as one of the largest in the sector in terms of sheer reach – if it could ever be disentangled from the company’s other products, which, by design, it really can’t.

Expanding its reach, Lululemon now sells hijabs

Two styles debuted last week, with a third expected later this year. The company says all three emphasize performance and versatility.

Creating Wellness-Focus Luxury Living for Seniors

When it comes to luxury senior living, no place sets the standard quite like New York City. There’s a growing number of such buildings in New York that cater to every need of an older person’s everyday life, and they’re becoming more technologically advanced.

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