You, Younger: Making 90 the New 40 with Dr. Michael Roizen

Dr. Michael Roizen is the Cleveland Clinic’s first Chief Wellness Officer, and the author of four New York Times best-sellers.  He’s won several awards in the medical community, given over 1200 lectures, and made appearances on Oprah, The Today Show, CNN, CBS, Good Morning America, and more, he writes a daily newspaper column and has run a radio show known as YOU The Owner’s Manual for over 20 years. When people ask him what he does for fun, he says: “I read medicine.”

He was also the co-chair of the 2021 Global Wellness Summit in Boston, where a number of expert doctors and academics discussed the intersection of healthcare and self-care. He used to claim that 60 is the new 40, but his latest talk, “90 is the new 40,” sent ripples through the summit attendees. We’re going to explore what insights brought him to make this outrageous-seeming claim about the near future.

Dr Roizen’s passion for medicine started at a young age and he remembers the moment vividly. At nine years old he was terribly sick, so his family took him to the doctor. One shot and six hours later he felt great, and he knew that he wanted to be the person who made other people feel better as well.

A realistic roadmap for The Global Wellness Institute’s “Wellness Moonshot” goal of eliminating preventable disease,  Dr. Roizen has identified six areas – which he calls the  “six normals” – that  if you get them to a healthy level you can reduce your risk of chronic disease by 80-90%. These areas are normal blood pressure, good cholesterol, good blood sugar, obesity, not smoking, and stress management.  He adds that – if you simply see a primary care practitioner and keep your immunizations up to date – you reduce your risk for chronic disease even more!  ’

He’s also on the leading edge of the areas of research that are going to make all of the difference, including stem cells, autophagy, epigenetic reboot, hormone replacement, reduced tissue regeneration

As crazy as this might sound at first, it’s not only possible, it is probable. The research shows us how to do it—now it’s just a matter of getting the resources and information into the hands of as many people as possible, which is what Dr. Michael Roizen is focused on today.

To learn more, visit Dr. Michael Roizen’s at



  • The difference between wellness and healthcare
  • Making wellness appealing and understandable
  • Making healthy choices fun
  • The health pandemic deadlier than COVID-19
  • The “six normals plus two” that can drastically reduce preventable disease
  • Four important components of physical activity
  • Fourteen areas of research that lead to longevity
  • Practical steps to improve your health at home




Hosted by Kim Marshall.

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