Asian Mental Health
with Special Guest Ophelia Yeung

The mental wellness of the Asian American communities is not frequently discussed despite the disturbing recent rise of anti-Asian hate incidents. This can impact the well-being of Asian American communities, which can have a cultural stigma around mental health. More broadly, this stigma can exist in other immigrant communities as well. A common theme of these communities is the need to increase awareness of this topic.

Please join Dr. Nicola Finley as she shares evidence-based information on this topic. Her special guest is Ophelia Yeung who is a senior research fellow for the Global Wellness Institute and she will share her story and perspectives on this topic. We hope you join in the conversation to share your stories during the webinar and we can work together to help support mental wellness in all communities.

Ophelia Yeung is an economist who has extensive experience in research and consulting for business, nonprofit, multilateral and government organizations, including 20+ years at SRI International and as the co-director for the Center for Science, Technology and Economic Development. In the past 15 years, she has co-authored many research studies for the GWI, defining and measuring the different industries that form the global wellness economy. In 2020, she conducted the GWI study: Defining the Mental Wellness Economy. Ophelia is a native of Hong Kong who came to the United States to pursue her studies.  She holds degrees from Smith College and Princeton University.


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