Summit Trend in the News:
Focus Shifts from Sleep to True Circadian Health

Circadian rhythms and immune function Timeshifter
This new report takes a deep dive into the recent medical studies showing that the human immune system is controlled by circadian rhythms. While scientists have long known that time of day impacts infection susceptibility, what was less known was whether this was a result of internal circadian time or external light and time cues. The consensus now: Our internal clocks control how we respond to potential infection and significantly impact immunity. The science also increasingly shows that there’s a big range in people’s circadian rhythms—whether college students or insomniacs—even if they get the same sleep. Conclusion: Strategies need to get more personalized.

Beyond sanitizing and social distancing – a healthy circadian rhythm may increase resilience to fight COVID-19The Conversation
Further analysis of why a key weapon in boosting immunity (and for boosting overall health) is keeping your body clocks in synch by following a daily routine of sleep and daylight and dusk exposure and timing your eating and exercise around the sun’s natural cycles.

Let there be circadian light ScienceBlog
There have long been studies on how light controls our circadian rhythms but not on how changes in the color of light affect them. This new study reveals that the wavelengths—the colors—at sunrise and sunset have the biggest impact on brain centers that regulate our circadian clock, mood and alertness. Cone photoreceptors in our eyes are not only sensitive to blue light but also respond strongly to oranges, yellows and contrasting light—the colors of sunrise and sunset. This looks to impact the circadian lighting space.

Study finds daily light exposure improves sleep and mood during COVID-19Architect Magazine
A new study from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute explores how quarantining indoors and working from home is impacting people’s daily light exposure—and how that is impacting their sleep, health and mood. Findings: Daily indoor light and time spent outside had a major, positive impact on sleep quality, anxiety and depression. And the more time outside, the better.

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