Summit Trend in the News: Prescribing Nature

What is biophilic design, and can it really make you happier and healthier?Fast Company
A quiet revolution has begun to change the way people think about their spaces, and designing according to the principles of nature is reaching a peak.

Biophilia: Turning Conventional Architecture Inside-OutGreenRoofs
Biophilic design is about more than planting a bunch of trees. It’s about mimicking the many aspects of the natural environment.

The next frontier in office space? The outdoorsNew York Times
Employers competing for the best workers are using outdoor amenities to show they care about their staff’s wellbeing.

Nature’s Design TrendsInspire Design
The first trends report devoted to biophilic design highlights the top six trends in the category that have staying power.

This is an excerpt from the TRENDIUM, a bi-weekly communication exploring the wellness trends identified in the 2018 Global Wellness Trends Report.
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