Summit Trend Exploration: Extreme Wellness

Good News/Bad News: Mental Wellness and TechnologyGlobal Wellness Summit
Experts discuss the intersection and opportunities in mental wellness and technology during this Summit Roundtable.

Would you plunk down $30,000 to get the most from your brain?Fast Company
A growing field of science is now working to literally rewire your brain waves for the ultimate biohack.

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Your BrainMindBodyGreen
In order to obtain optimal wellness and a high quality of life, we must nurture our brains and live in a way that optimizes brain function.

What If AI Can Make Us More Human In The Age Of Robotic Automation?Forbes
Steven Kotler, founder of the Flow Genome Project, on how to hack creativity for superhuman results and why he believes creativity is the key to success in the future.

This is an excerpt from the TRENDIUM, a bi-weekly communication exploring the wellness trends identified in the 2018 Global Wellness Trends Report.
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